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Vertical Raised Garden bed with 3 Wooden Planter Boxes-S

This Vertical Raised Garden bed with 3 Wooden Planter Boxes-S is made of natural fir wood and features a smooth, burr-free surface. The elevated design protects plants from small animals while the bottom drainage holes ensure good water drainage and ventilation. Suitable for cultivating various plants such as flowers, herbs, vegetables, fruits …
This Vertical Raised Garden bed with 3 Wooden Planter Boxes-S is made of natural fir wood and features a smooth, burr-free surface. The elevated design protects plants from small animals while the bottom drainage holes ensure good water drainage and ventilation. Suitable for cultivating various plants such as flowers, herbs, vegetables, fruits etc., this unique A-shaped raised garden bed allows optimal sunlight exposure to all plants.
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This Vertical Raised Garden bed with 3 Wooden Planter Boxes-S is made of natural fir wood and features a smooth, burr-free surface. The elevated design protects plants from small animals while the bottom drainage holes ensure good water drainage and ventilation. Suitable for cultivating various plants such as flowers, herbs, vegetables, fruits etc., this unique A-shaped raised garden bed allows optimal sunlight exposure to all plants.

Cechy produktu

Overall Dimensions26" X 29" X 29" (L X W X H)
Weight Capacity Of Each Planter Box22 Lbs
Height Of Each Planter Box12.5", 12.5", 29"
MaterialFir Wood
Interior Size Of Each Planter Box21" X 8" X 8.5" (L X W X H)
Net Weight17.5 Lbs